Class TerminalController

class TerminalController:

A class that can be used to portably generate formatted output to a terminal.

TerminalController defines a set of instance variables whose values are initialized to the control sequence necessary to perform a given action. These can be simply included in normal output to the terminal:

>>> term = TerminalController()
>>> print 'This is '+term.GREEN+'green'+term.NORMAL

Alternatively, the render() method can used, which replaces '${action}' with the string required to perform 'action':

>>> term = TerminalController()
>>> print term.render('This is ${GREEN}green${NORMAL}')

If the terminal doesn't support a given action, then the value of the corresponding instance variable will be set to ''. As a result, the above code will still work on terminals that do not support color, except that their output will not be colored. Also, this means that you can test whether the terminal supports a given action by simply testing the truth value of the corresponding instance variable:

>>> term = TerminalController()
>>> if term.CLEAR_SCREEN:
...     print 'This terminal supports clearning the screen.'

Finally, if the width and height of the terminal are known, then they will be stored in the COLS and LINES attributes.

Method TerminalController.__init__

def __init__(self, term_stream=sys.stdout):

Create a TerminalController and initialize its attributes with appropriate values for the current terminal. term_stream is the stream that will be used for terminal output; if this stream is not a tty, then the terminal is assumed to be a dumb terminal (i.e., have no capabilities).

Method TerminalController.render

def render(self, template):

Replace each $-substitutions in the given template string with the corresponding terminal control string (if it's defined) or '' (if it's not).

Function log

def log (level, message, header="", date=True, newline=True, clearline=True) :

Function debug

def debug (message, header="") :

Function info

def info (message, header="") :

Function warn

def warn (message, header="") :

Function error

def error (message, header="") :