Typing system for places (and transitions guards). Types are contraint checkers to verify whether a value is in the type or not. For instance:
>>> 5 in tInteger
>>> 4.3 in tInteger
The typechecking of several values is possible using the type as a function. It fails if one value is not in the type.
>>> tInteger(5, 4, 6)
>>> tInteger(5, 4, 6.0)
Types can be composed in order to build more complexe types. For example:
>>> 8 in (tInteger & ~Range(1, 5))
>>> 3 in (tInteger & ~Range(1, 5))
The various compositions are the same as sets operations, plus the
complement: &
, |
, -
, ^
and ~
Various types are predefined (like tInteger
) the others can be
constructed using the various classes in the module. Prefefined types
: any value is in the typetNothing
: empty typetString
: string valuestList
: lists valuestInteger
: integer valuestNatural
: non-negative integerstPositive
: strictly positive integerstFloat
: float valuestNumber
: integers or float valuestDict
: Python'sdict
: the single valueNone
: tuple valuestPair
: tuples of length two
Types with finitely many elements can be iterated over:
>>> list(sorted(iter(CrossProduct(Range(0, 10, 2), tBoolean) & ~OneOf((4, True), (6, False)))))
[(0, False), (0, True), (2, False), (2, True), (4, False), (6, True), (8, False), (8, True)]
>>> list(iter(OneOf(1, 2, 3)))
[1, 2, 3]
>>> iter(tInteger)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: ... not iterable
>>> iter(~OneOf(1, 2, 3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: ... not iterable
Class Type
class Type (object) :
Base class for all types. Implements operations &
, |
, -
and ~
to build new types. Also implement the typechecking of
several values. All the subclasses should implement the method
to typecheck a single object.
This class is abstract and should not be instantiated.
Method Type.__and__
def __and__ (self, other) :
Intersection type.
>>> Instance(int) & Greater(0)
(Instance(int) & Greater(0))
Call API
Type other
: the other type in the intersectionreturn Type
: the intersection of both types
Method Type.__or__
def __or__ (self, other) :
Union type.
>>> Instance(int) | Instance(bool)
(Instance(int) | Instance(bool))
Call API
Type other
: the other type in the unionreturn Type
: the union of both types
Method Type.__sub__
def __sub__ (self, other) :
Substraction type.
>>> Instance(int) - OneOf([0, 1, 2])
(Instance(int) - OneOf([0, 1, 2]))
Call API
Type other
: the other type in the substractionreturn Type
: the typeself
minus the typeother
Method Type.__xor__
def __xor__ (self, other) :
Disjoint union type.
>>> Greater(0) ^ Instance(float)
(Greater(0) ^ Instance(float))
Call API
Type other
: the other type in the disjoint unionreturn Type
: the disjoint union of both types
Method Type.__invert__
def __invert__ (self) :
Complementary type.
>>> ~ Instance(int)
Call API
return Type
: the complementary type
Method Type.__call__
def __call__ (self, *values) :
Typecheck values.
>>> Instance(int)(3, 4, 5)
>>> Instance(int)(3, 4, 5.0)
Call API
object values
: values that have to be checkedreturn bool
if all the values are in the types,False
Class Instance
class Instance (Type) :
A type whose values are all instances of one class.
>>> [1, 2] in Instance(list)
>>> (1, 2) in Instance(list)
Method Instance.__init__
def __init__ (self, _class) :
Initialize the type
>>> Instance(int)
Call API
class _class
: the class of instancereturn Instance
: initialized object
Class TypeCheck
class TypeCheck (Type) :
A type whose values are accepted by a given function.
>>> def odd (val) :
... return type(val) is int and (val % 2) == 1
>>> 3 in TypeCheck(odd)
>>> 4 in TypeCheck(odd)
>>> 3.0 in TypeCheck(odd)
Method TypeCheck.__init__
def __init__ (self, checker, iterate=None) :
Initialize the type, optionally, a function to iterate over the elements may be provided.
>>> import operator
>>> TypeCheck(operator.truth)
>>> list(TypeCheck(operator.truth))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: type not iterable
>>> def true_values () : # enumerates only choosen values
... yield True
... yield 42
... yield '42'
... yield [42]
... yield (42,)
... yield {True: 42}
>>> TypeCheck(operator.truth, true_values)
TypeCheck(...truth, snakes.typing.true_values)
>>> list(TypeCheck(operator.truth, true_values))
[True, 42, '42', [42], (42,), {True: 42}]
Call API
callable checker
: a function that checks one value and returnsTrue
if it is in te type andFalse
otherwisegenerator iterate
or an iterator over the values of the type
Class OneOf
class OneOf (Type) :
A type whose values are explicitely enumerated.
>>> 3 in OneOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
>>> 0 in OneOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Class Collection
class Collection (Type) :
A type whose values are a given container, holding items of a given type and ranging in a given interval.
>>> [0, 1.1, 2, 3.3, 4] in Collection(Instance(list), tNumber, 3, 10)
>>> [0, 1.1] in Collection(Instance(list), tNumber, 3, 10) #too short
>>> [0, '1.1', 2, 3.3, 4] in Collection(Instance(list), tNumber, 3, 10) #wrong item
Method Collection.__init__
def __init__ (self, collection, items, min=None, max=None) :
Initialise the type
>>> Collection(Instance(list), tNumber, 3, 10)
Collection(Instance(list), (Instance(int) | Instance(float)), min=3, max=10)
Call API
Type collection
: the collection typeType items
: the type of the itemsobject min
: the smallest allowed valueobject max
: the greatest allowed value
Function List
def List (items, min=None, max=None) :
Shorthand for instantiating Collection
>>> List(tNumber, min=3, max=10)
Collection(Instance(list), (Instance(int) | Instance(float)), min=3, max=10)
Call API
Type items
: the type of the elements in the collectionint min
: the minimum number of elements in the collection orNone
int max
: the maximum number of elements in the collection orNone
return Collection
: a type that checks the given constraints
Function Tuple
def Tuple (items, min=None, max=None) :
Shorthand for instantiating Collection
>>> Tuple(tNumber, min=3, max=10)
Collection(Instance(tuple), (Instance(int) | Instance(float)), min=3, max=10)
Call API
Type items
: the type of the elements in the collectionint min
: the minimum number of elements in the collection orNone
int max
: the maximum number of elements in the collection orNone
return Collection
: a type that checks the given constraints
Function Set
def Set (items, min=None, max=None) :
Shorthand for instantiating Collection
>>> Set(tNumber, min=3, max=10)
Collection(Instance(set), (Instance(int) | Instance(float)), min=3, max=10)
Call API
Type items
: the type of the elements in the collectionint min
: the minimum number of elements in the collection orNone
int max
: the maximum number of elements in the collection orNone
return Collection
: a type that checks the given constraints
Class Mapping
class Mapping (Type) :
A type whose values are mapping (eg, dict
>>> {'Yes': True, 'No': False} in Mapping(tString, tAll)
>>> {True: 1, False: 0} in Mapping(tString, tAll)
Method Mapping.__init__
def __init__ (self, keys, items, _dict=Instance(dict)) :
Initialise a mapping type
>>> Mapping(tInteger, tFloat)
Mapping(Instance(int), Instance(float), Instance(dict))
>>> from snakes.data import hdict
>>> Mapping(tInteger, tFloat, Instance(hdict))
Mapping(Instance(int), Instance(float), Instance(hdict))
Call API
Type keys
: the type for the keysType items
: the type for the itemsdict _dict
: the class that mapping must be instances of
Class Range
class Range (Type) :
A type whose values are in a given range
Notice that ranges are not built into the memory so that huge values can be used.
>>> 3 in Range(1, 2**128, 2)
>>> 4 in Range(1, 2**128, 2)
Method Range.__init__
def __init__ (self, first, last, step=1) :
The values are those that the builtin range(first, last,
would return.
>>> Range(1, 10)
Range(1, 10)
>>> Range(1, 10, 2)
Range(1, 10, 2)
Call API
int first
: first element in the rangeint last
: upper bound of the range, not belonging to itint step
: step between elements in the range
Class Greater
class Greater (Type) :
A type whose values are greater than a minimum.
The minimum and the checked values can be of any type as soon as
they can be compared with >
>>> 6 in Greater(3)
>>> 3 in Greater(3)
Method Greater.__init__
def __init__ (self, min) :
Initialises the type
>>> Greater(5)
Call API
object min
: the greatest value not included in the type
Class GreaterOrEqual
class GreaterOrEqual (Type) :
A type whose values are greater or equal than a minimum.
See the description of Greater
Method GreaterOrEqual.__init__
def __init__ (self, min) :
Initialises the type
>>> GreaterOrEqual(5)
Call API
object min
: the minimal allowed value
Class Less
class Less (Type) :
A type whose values are less than a maximum.
See the description of Greater
Method Less.__init__
def __init__ (self, max) :
Initialises the type
>>> Less(5)
Call API
object max
Class LessOrEqual
class LessOrEqual (Type) :
A type whose values are less than or equal to a maximum.
See the description of Greater
Method LessOrEqual.__init__
def __init__ (self, max) :
Initialises the type
>>> LessOrEqual(5)
Call API
object max
Class CrossProduct
class CrossProduct (Type) :
A type whose values are tuples, each component of them being in given types. The resulting type is the cartesian cross product of the compound types.
>>> (1, 3, 5) in CrossProduct(Range(1, 10), Range(1, 10, 2), Range(1, 10))
>>> (2, 4, 6) in CrossProduct(Range(1, 10), Range(1, 10, 2), Range(1, 10))
Method CrossProduct.__init__
def __init__ (self, *types) :
Initialise the type
>>> CrossProduct(Instance(int), Instance(float))
CrossProduct(Instance(int), Instance(float))
Call API
Type types
: the types of each component of the allowed tuples