This module features a parser for CTL* formula. Function build
parses the formula (see concrete syntax below) and expands
sub-formulas; then it returns an abstract syntax tree (see abstract
syntax) below.
>>> from import *
>>> spec = '''
... atom even (x : int) :
... return x % 2 == 0
... atom odd (x : int) :
... return x % 2 == 1
... prop evenplace (p : place) :
... exists tok in p (even(x=tok))
... prop oddplace (p : place) :
... exists tok in p (odd(x=tok))
... A (G (evenplace(p=@'some_place') => F oddplace(p=@'another_place')))
... '''
>>> tree = build(spec)
>>> print ast.dump(tree)
CtlUnary(op=All(), child=CtlUnary(op=Globally(), child=CtlBinary(op=Imply(), ...
In the example above, atom
allows to define parameterised atomic
propositions and prop
allows to define sub-formulas. In the returned
syntax tree, all these objects are inlined and fully instantiated.
Concrete syntax
file_input: (NEWLINE | ctl_atomdef | ctl_propdef)* [ ctl_formula ] NEWLINE* ENDMARKER
ctl_atomdef: 'atom' NAME '(' [ctl_parameters] ')' ':' suite
ctl_propdef: 'prop' NAME '(' [ctl_parameters] ')' ':' ctl_suite
ctl_suite: ( ctl_formula NEWLINE
ctl_parameters: (ctl_param ',')* ctl_param
ctl_param: NAME ( '=' '@' STRING+ | ':' NAME )
ctl_formula: ctl_or_formula [ ctl_connector ctl_or_formula ]
ctl_connector: ( '=' '>' | '<=' '>' )
ctl_or_formula: ctl_and_formula ('or' ctl_and_formula)*
ctl_and_formula: ctl_not_formula ('and' ctl_not_formula)*
ctl_not_formula: ('not' ctl_not_formula | ctl_binary_formula)
ctl_binary_formula: ctl_unary_formula [ ctl_binary_op ctl_unary_formula ]
ctl_unary_formula: [ ctl_unary_op ] (ctl_atom_formula | '(' ctl_formula ')')
ctl_unary_op: ('A' | 'G' | 'F' | 'E' | 'X')
ctl_binary_op: ('R' | 'U' | 'W')
ctl_atom_formula: ( 'empty' '(' ctl_place ')'
| 'marked' '(' ctl_place ')'
| 'has' ['not'] '(' ctl_place ',' test (',' test)* ')'
| 'deadlock' | 'True' | 'False'
| NAME '(' ctl_arguments ')'
| 'forall' [ 'distinct' ] NAME (',' NAME)*
'in' ctl_place '(' ctl_atom_formula ')'
| 'exists' [ 'distinct' ] NAME (',' NAME)*
'in' ctl_place '(' ctl_atom_formula ')' )
ctl_arguments: (NAME '=' ctl_place_or_test ',')* NAME '=' ctl_place_or_test
ctl_place: '@' STRING+ | NAME
ctl_place_or_test: test | '@' STRING+
Abstract syntax
ctlstar = Spec(ctldecl* atoms,
ctldecl* properties,
form? main)
attributes (int lineno, int col_offset)
ctldecl = Atom(identifier name,
ctlarg* args,
ctlparams* params,
stmt* body)
| Property(identifier name,
ctlargs* args,
ctlparams* params,
form body)
attributes (int lineno, int col_offset)
ctlarg = Place(identifier name,
string place)
| Token(identifier name,
string place)
| Argument(identifier name,
expr value,
identifier type)
attributes (int lineno, int col_offset)
ctlparam = Parameter(identifier name,
identifier type)
attributes (int lineno, int col_offset)
form = atom
| CtlUnary(ctlunary op,
form child)
| CtlBinary(ctlbinary op,
form left,
form right)
attributes (int lineno, int col_offset)
ctlunary = notop | All | Exists | Next
| Future | Globally
notop = Not
ctlbinary = boolop | Imply | Iff
| Until | WeakUntil | Release
atom = InPlace(expr* data, ctlarg place)
| NotInPlace(expr* data, ctlarg place)
| EmptyPlace(ctlarg place)
| MarkedPlace(ctlarg place)
| Deadlock
| Boolean(bool val)
| Instance(identifier name, arg* args)
| Quantifier(ctlunary op,
identifier* vars,
ctlarg place,
form child,
bool distinct)
attributes (int lineno, int col_offset)